

How to log in: Use the teacher login provided in a separate communication with the link provided above. Click on the math portion of the tool box. Find lesson 14 (the unit we are working on) and find the teacher portion of the lesson needed. This provides a digital copy of the teacher’s math book if the hard copy is not available. Students will already be assigned assignments in their individual profiles, so no additional steps will need to be taken for this portion

Where to use in lesson(s): Students will be using I-Ready assigned lessons after their independant time work is complete, if time allows.

How it use in lesson(s): This is not something students must do but instead an extension tool for those students who are finished with their work pages and exit ticket work. I-Ready aligns with the constructivism theory for this unit. Students are building on prior knowledge and I-Ready does that through their lesson path that students follow as their progress through the unit work. Students will get out their assigned computers, login with their individual I-Ready login information and begin working on their assigned lessons only, not the games or my path. If students are finished with all their assigned lessons, students may then, and only then, continue o n their my path.



How to log in: Use the link above in Chrome and search for the name of the video that I have included in a separate communication.

Where to use in lesson(s): YouTube will be used during the whole class instruction time as an additional way to provide instruction.

How to use in lesson(s): By providing an additional delivery method of the same material, we are providing our diverse learners ample ways to understand concepts and strategies being addressed in the lessons. These videos are engaging, fun and informative and cover a large assortment of subject matters. Using YouTube in this way is aligning with the constructivism theory that was used for this lesson unit. By building on prior knowledge with diverse delivery models and an assortment of visual examples, students are provided opportunity for a deeper understanding of the lesson content. Please ensure to only view the predetermined videos, as they have been vetted for validity and appropriateness. The laptop is connected to the smartboard. By logging into the site and changing the input with the remote to ‘computer’, students will be able to see the video on the smartboard.



How to log in: Use the link above in Chrome, choose math, numbers, and then the video title that i have indicated in a separate communication.

Where to use in lesson(s): BrainPOP videos will be used in the whole class instruction time as an additional way to provide instruction.

How to use in lesson(s): By providing videos that are brightly colored, fun, and informative, we are engaging all learners in the lesson. By providing an additional delivery method for the same instructional mater, we are reaching more learners who may have not understood the instruction the first time or in the initial instructional method. Our learners have a diverse educational background and having diverse instructional material helps to meet the needs of these learners. Using BrainPOP in this way, it is aligning with the constructivism theory that was used to design this lesson unit. Students are building on their prior knowledge with additional delivery methods and strategies that may not have been as clear in the original lesson set. BrainPOP is to be played through laptop that is connected to the smartboard. By logging into the site and changing the input with the remote to ‘computer’, students will be able to see the videos on the smartboard.